Welcome to Little Red Parkas
Little Red Parkas,
here to bring resources, guidance and support for mothers of young children as based on a poem from the Bible about a Virtuous Woman.
Looking for the Cloth Diapers from the demo class? check out the "Cloth Diapering" page below.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
tips for buying used cloth diapers
so, how many diapers do I need?
Let's face it, cloth diapers do have a higher start up cost than disposibles.
so, the question on everyone's mind...What is the minimum?
Well, on the one hand it should be as easy as
number of diaper changes(dc) times number of days before washing(db4w) plus 3-4 extra just in case.
So, for you mathmatical types, here is our minimum number of cloth diaper formula.
(dc x db4w) + 4= minimum number of diapers.
So for example, a newborn may need as many as 16 diaper changes a day. What did you do, I just changed you!?! So, take 16 times the however many days you want to go inbetween washing and tada!
Well, it is still not quite that simple.
Having a larger rotation of diapers is often a better choice than the bare minimum.
~More diapers gives mom a little break from laundry (let's face it, kid's create a ridiculous amount of laundry, you don't necessarily want to add washing diapers twice a day just to keep up!)
~More diapers means less wear and tear on the individual diapers. They will last longer, often through multiple children, and have better resale value. (yes, gently used cloth diapers have a huge market!)
more in a little bit....gotta play hide and seek with the kids and hubby
Sunday, April 24, 2011
a random confession
I know what you are thinking, you need to get a life if a blog about cloth diapers is your biggest concern.
Well, the thing is, I have a life! hence the lack of posts and finished pages!!
And, the things that concern me lately?...
~my 3 and a half year old daughter "S"...
-she has the emotions of a pre-teen. How do I reach her whem she seems so overwhelmed sometimes by her emotions?
-she is completely refusing to potty train. I'm fine with it in general, she will learn when she is ready. Still, she has 4K in the fall and really needs to learn before then. What happens if she does not? Will she really have to stay home over diapers?
-hopefully she will go to 4K in the fall. How will she respond to other adults in authority? How will she cope with a room full of other children, some who may be more dominant than her?
~my 20 month old son "E"...
-he is a momma's boy. I love it and yet am wary of how he will handle new baby coming in August. How do I comfort him, nurse the baby and discipline Sydney at the same time?
~my little girlie due in Aug.
-while in some ways we are very prepared, there is still so much to do!
-sew a lot of cloth diapers, buy small covers, sort Sydney's old clothes, set up baby bassinet, figure out grandparent care for S and E, make and freeze a bunch of meals and more!
Things that excite me lately...
-S counted to 15 the other day! I was pretty impressed and surprised because we have not been working on numbers for a while.
-E is showing signs that he may be ready for potty training (I know! He'll be trained before Sydney at this rate!)
-S is starting to show some great "big sister" qualities. She has defended her little brother (sometimes unnecessarily) from other children at the lirbary or park and makes sure they are nice to him.
-E is jabbering away like crazy. He has a great vocabulary of words and enjoys pointing and showing off his knowledge.
-Baby is kicking and doing wonderful.
-Hubby and I are in a really great place in our life. We are so blessed in our relationship and I couldn't love him more.
well, that was really random, but there it is.
I'm here...living life and that life is keeping me busy!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Aplix vs. Snaps
ok, well, I'm actually going to just share my opinion, and you can make a choice from there.
Aplix is a "hook and loop" closure used on cloth diapers. (real quick side note...Aplix is a brand of "hook and loop." A more commonly heard of "hookd and loop" brand is "Velcro.")
Pros: Aplix allows for a more exact fit as the tabs can be placed at exactly the best position required. Aplix goes on quick and easy.
Cons: It is easier for older baby fingers to pry loose. If not closed securely when put into wash, a diaper chain can form. (a literal chain of diapers formed from the aplix of one diaper connecting to another and another) Over time the Aplix can lose it's grip. (Most people I have talked with have had their aplix diapers last through one child just fine. Also, aplix is relatively easy to replace, even without a sewing machine.)
Snaps: Snaps are pretty self-explanitory. :) Plastic snaps are attatched to the side "wings" of the diaper that wrap around and then get attached to the front of the diaper which has a row of snaps. Some diapers have a single row of snaps, others have a double row.
Pros: Harder for little fingers to pry loose. No worrying about diaper chains in the landry machine.
cons: Due to placement of the snaps, the diapers are not quite as adjustable as velcro. A little slower to put on than Aplix (some diapers have 8 snaps to snap! Most just have 4.). While they are very sturdy, snaps needing replacement will likely need to be sent in for repair as replacing the snaps requires a special tool.
Inspired by Organization
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Time Management, or lack thereof
- leave it til later
- hope that someone ELSE will do it
- take a torch to it (ok, that is not an actual suggestiong, although the thought has likely crossed your mind)
- do something else you enjoy
- or what seems to happen to me most often: do nothing
When it comes to chores, or chores-like tasks, I've found that the dread of it is far worse then the actual chore itself. It often takes less effort and time than I thought and I feel so much better having at least made an effort to find the kitchen counter or the laundry room floor.
It reminds me of a object lesson I saw as a child.
Imagine your day as represented by a small glass jar. The things that need to be done, 10 large walnuts. And the things that are "fun" or "extra" as grains of rice.
If you put the rice in first, there is not enough froom for the walnuts.
But, if we do the things that must be done each day first, the "extras" will have room in our life. And I think we will be happier and more confident, having accomplished important things in our home and life. Things that bring order, peace and even cleanliness!
So, on that note, I'm off to change diapers and get some work done!